Docker images of microservices-oriented application
This git is containing a docker-compose.yml file for deploying in docker images all utility services:
- a database service: microservices-db
- a confguration server: microservices-config-service
- a service of registration of microservices: micoservices-registration-service
- a gateway service between the backend (spring boot microservices) and the frontend (angular application): backend-frontend-gateway-service
And all business services (each business microservice implemented in clean architecture pattern):
- a microservice of managing employees’s addresses: clean-archi-business-service-address
- a microservice of managing employees: clean-archi-business-service-employee
- a microservice of managing projects: clean-archi-business-service-project
- a microservice of managing companies: addressesclean-archi-business-service-company
The backend(spring boot application) and frontend (angular application) of microservices-oriented application is located on the following git:
Microservices configuration server
All services (utility services and business services) configiration files for config server are located on the following git: